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HealthTech Solvathon - Information Session 2
06 Sep - 05:30 PM
Newcastle, Australia
Curious about our upcoming HealthTech Solvathon on 15-16Sept2017 but haven't the faintest idea of where to start? Join our event host, Laughing Mind, for an event preview at Three76 Hub to get your head into the game of Hackathons, Solvathons and why they matter as an Innovation and Professional Development experience. Brian will walk you through the Venture Catalyst event format, seed your mind with how to build on an evident problem and frame it as an opportunity for innovation, leveraging open Population Health datasets. He'll guide you through the following three event challenge topics to help you start to think about problems that sit beneath them and how you can prepare to participate or form a team for the main event on 15-16Sept2017: HackCare to transform palliative + end of Life Care HackMyCondition for Chronic Disease Management HackLoneliness for better Mental Health care and connectedness The only thing you need to bring is a curious mind that asks the constant Why? and seeks to look beyond it for solutions. 
    HealthTech Solvathon - Information Session
    23 Aug - 05:30 PM
    Newcastle, Australia
    Curious about our upcoming HealthTech Solvathon on 15-16Sept2017 but haven't the faintest idea of where to start? Join our event host, Laughing Mind, for an event preview at Three76 Hub to get your head into the game of Hackathons, Solvathons and why they matter as an Innovation and Professional Development experience. Brian will walk you through the Venture Catalyst event format, seed your mind with how to build on an evident problem and frame it as an opportunity for innovation, leveraging open Population Health datasets. He'll guide you through the following three event challenge topics to help you start to think about problems that sit beneath them and how you can prepare to participate or form a team for the main event on 15-16Sept2017: HackCare to transform palliative + end of Life Care HackMyCondition for Chronic Disease Management HackLoneliness for better Mental Health care and connectedness The only thing you need to bring is a curious mind that asks the constant Why? and seeks to look beyond it for solutions. 
      HunterHackFest 2017
      19 May - 06:00 PM
      Newcastle West, Australia
      Calling all Hunter region Hackers, Hipsters and Hustlers! Want to come join us on 19-20 May 2017 to create next-generation ideas for Newcastle and the Hunter Region? With a dash of MakerFaire spirit, a pinch of StartupWeekend spice and the heat from talents of local teams, let's quicken the digital pulse of the Hunter region  with your creations as part of the Hunter Innovation Festival. Our Hackathon format is designed to stimulate ideas amongst Teams to help you prototype next-generation ideas and business concepts for Newcastle and the Hunter Region, leveraging their Hacker, Hustler or Hipster skills and contemporary tech tools. Who know's what you'll create and the people you'll get to meet!  We've seen events like this create near-fundable business opportunities by the end of the events, with winning teams eligible for more formal business incubation. We want to provide options for the next wave of innovative entrepreneurs from the Hunter region to experience, learn + leverage cutting edge technology platforms, whilst also creating new technology enabled possibilities. ​Hackathons are a proven innovation + disruption model that can accelerate the delivery of new technical solutions to stubborn problems, whilst also creating new economic value, innovations and fundable businesses in a short experimentation + teaming cycle. You can get an idea of the creations of our 2016 teams in our 2016 Event summary. Our event is designed to allow remote participation by anyone with an interest in new tech and giving the Hunter region a vibrant digital pulse from outside the venue, over secure chat rooms and social media. For the bigger picture of our event, make sure you head to and engage with us on social platforms using #Hunterhackfest  FAQs How can I contact the organiser with any questions? Reach us on social platforms using #Hunterhackfest or come join the Facebook event group Where can I find out more about the Hunter Innovation Festival? HunterHackFest is just one of many innovation focussed events happening in the Hunter Innovation Festival - see the full program at